Friday 8 April 2011


I was given a bike last Sunday from my neighbour and it's ace. I had my bike stolen last year after drunkenly and idiotically leaving it unlocked so I'm over the moon to have another one to zip around on. I took this photo in the woods at Snuff Mills in Bristol, a lush wooded area in a valley with walkways and paths following a stream, I'm amazed that I'd never been there before:

Tuesday 5 April 2011


A photo I took outside the Mogwai gig in Bristol, I like the colours in it.

The Tascheles in Berlin, for such a big compound, it took us three days to find it! Fun when we got there though.

The Monster Kabinett in Berlin, a tiny museum of bizarre robots, the guide was awesome and the final exhibit/robot/show at the end was incredible. 

A slight change

Good Afternoon,

I've ignored this tiny and wholly unread blog of mine for quite some time now but in my defence, I've done so with good reason.

Firstly, I initially started this blog to share albums, songs and bands that I was particularly excited about with anyone who cared to read on the internet and whilst this has been somewhat limiting when you think of how many other things you can use a blog for, I lacked the commitment, desire and passion to do so. Mea Culpa.

Secondly, I haven't really found much new music that has really excited me all that much this year. This is as much down to my laziness in actively seeking new music as it is to what I suspect is the traditional end of winter slump where new realeases are few and far between and out of those, the good ones, or rather, the ones I'll like are even fewer.

That said, I've been to a few gigs this year already and they've been great, especially Mogwai's return to Bristol where they surprised me by making even the O2 Academy, notorious for being an iffy venue, sound worthy of their sublime music.

Maserati were immense in Berlin although I wasn't overly enamoured with their final song in which a dubious hair metal chorus is sung by the band. Seriously lads, ditch the singing, everything works just fine without it.

I was lucky enough to even catch Berlin's own Ellen Allien dj at The Watergate club. Ok, I'll brag, I even got a hug from her, something I couldn't shut up about for a day or so afterwards, but sorry, she's such a cool woman and it was an amazing night of deep tech-house from a genuine local legend.

So that's that for the music side of things, for now at least.

As this post demonstrates, perhaps there's more to the blogging scene than my one dimensional approach of posting albums or songs I like with a poor excuse for a review beneath it. I am interested in other things which can just as easily be documented via this medium.

I used to write a lot, there were some good short stories and a lot of awful ones, but I haven't written for such a long time now that I'm willing to give it another shot and hopefully the balance of good and rubbish will be tipped the other way compared to all those years ago.

So from now on, if anyone at all does actually read this, there will be other stuff too, books, photos, stories and probably the occasional dinner recipe too.

to get things started, and in doing so completely contradict the post above with regards to not posting solely about music, here is an album that I've listened to again and again  over the last week and really really enjoy for its multi-instrumentalism and layered melodies:

Harbors - All Tiny Creatures

Friday 28 January 2011

The Sound Of The Third Season - Sven Vath and Richie Hawtin

The Sound Of The Third Season

An hour and a bit of uncompromising banging techno mixed by two of the masters in the art of their generation. Fucking brilliant, pardon my french.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Codes In The Clouds - Washington

From the album 'As The Spirit Wanes'

Relatively new Bristish post-rock band with this album just released this year, hopefully I'll get to see them soon if this song is anything to go by.

Desertshore - Mojave Mirage

From The Album 'Drifting Your Majesty'

I'm a big fan of Red House Painters and their guitarist plays on this album. Beautiful instrumental songs throughout but this particular one is my favourite because of the piano.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Maserati - Pyramid Of The Sun

'Pyramid Of The Sun'

Sod it, I don't usually do this on this blog but here is the entire new Maserati album. Enjoy!
and R.I.P. Jerry Fuchs.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Magnetic Man - The Bug

From the album 'Magnetic Man'

To be honest, this album is a bit hit and miss considering the artists behind it. I personally hoped for something less commercial from the likes of Benga, Skream and Artwork. Having said that, it's not a bad listen and tracks such as this one prove that there's plenty of fire in the belly of dubstep.

It ain't anywhere near as good as the Shackleton mix though, but that's just my humble opinion.

Vive La Fête! - Noir Désir

From the single 'Noir Désir'

First heard this on the late John Peel's radio show years ago, one of the guys from Belgian band Deus is in this band. This track is a pounding techno rock beast which will either clear the room or have everyone going mad for it.

Shackleton - Come Up

From the album 'Fabric Live 55 - Shackleton'

Opening track on this extraordinary mix. I seriously cannot recommend this enough, it is mesmersingly dark with a subtle dubstep-ish baslline, tribal beats and hypnotic breaks throughout. An absolute must.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Mogwai - Rano Pano

From the album 'Harcore Will Never Die, But You Will'

They're back! Here's the latest single from the masters of post-rock. The new album is out on the 14th of February 2011 and they're touring!

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Rhythm & Sound - See Mi Yah

From the album 'See Mi Yah'

Berlin based techno-dub band Rhythm & Sound combine subtle electronica with traditional dub rhytms and vocals to great effect, this track in particular shows how the two styles combine to great effect.

Marconi Union - Endless Winter

From the album 'A Lost Connection'

Blissful ambient tunes from this Machester Duo, this is off their third album, my personal favourite of theirs.

Dark Soho - Depth Of Emotion

From the album 'Generations'

I used to love this sort of 'music', invariably assisted by some form of rocket fuel which would keep me awake until 10am the next day, but still, every once in a while it's good to have a blast from the past like this one. Your neighbours might not agree..

Saturday 13 November 2010

The Scottish Enlightenment - Little Sleep

From the EP 'Little Sleep'

A lot of excitement around this band at the moment and with good reason, if you liked Frightened Rabbit, this will fit quite well.