Tuesday 5 April 2011

A slight change

Good Afternoon,

I've ignored this tiny and wholly unread blog of mine for quite some time now but in my defence, I've done so with good reason.

Firstly, I initially started this blog to share albums, songs and bands that I was particularly excited about with anyone who cared to read on the internet and whilst this has been somewhat limiting when you think of how many other things you can use a blog for, I lacked the commitment, desire and passion to do so. Mea Culpa.

Secondly, I haven't really found much new music that has really excited me all that much this year. This is as much down to my laziness in actively seeking new music as it is to what I suspect is the traditional end of winter slump where new realeases are few and far between and out of those, the good ones, or rather, the ones I'll like are even fewer.

That said, I've been to a few gigs this year already and they've been great, especially Mogwai's return to Bristol where they surprised me by making even the O2 Academy, notorious for being an iffy venue, sound worthy of their sublime music.

Maserati were immense in Berlin although I wasn't overly enamoured with their final song in which a dubious hair metal chorus is sung by the band. Seriously lads, ditch the singing, everything works just fine without it.

I was lucky enough to even catch Berlin's own Ellen Allien dj at The Watergate club. Ok, I'll brag, I even got a hug from her, something I couldn't shut up about for a day or so afterwards, but sorry, she's such a cool woman and it was an amazing night of deep tech-house from a genuine local legend.

So that's that for the music side of things, for now at least.

As this post demonstrates, perhaps there's more to the blogging scene than my one dimensional approach of posting albums or songs I like with a poor excuse for a review beneath it. I am interested in other things which can just as easily be documented via this medium.

I used to write a lot, there were some good short stories and a lot of awful ones, but I haven't written for such a long time now that I'm willing to give it another shot and hopefully the balance of good and rubbish will be tipped the other way compared to all those years ago.

So from now on, if anyone at all does actually read this, there will be other stuff too, books, photos, stories and probably the occasional dinner recipe too.

to get things started, and in doing so completely contradict the post above with regards to not posting solely about music, here is an album that I've listened to again and again  over the last week and really really enjoy for its multi-instrumentalism and layered melodies:

Harbors - All Tiny Creatures

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